Town of Frankfort PepinCounty

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The vision of the Planning Commission of the Town of Frankfort is one of living peaceful, quality lives surrounded by the natural beauty of our town.  We are proud of our farmland and natural resourses and want minimize pollution, erosion and other hazards and respect the rights of all property owners and residents.


Don Gisch - Chair
Donna Juleff - Town Board Representative
Sally Baecker - Recording Secretary
Donna Gates
Maureen Manore


Michael Albert

For the latest meeting minutes look under the "Minutes" tab to your left.

Link to Pepin County Town of Frankfort Page. The latest version of the Comprehensive Plan is available for viewing. 4-7-2021



The Town of Frankfort Comprehensive Plan is intended to assist local officials and residents make future land use decisions. The plan will address short- and long-range concerns regarding growth, development, and preservation of the community.

Developing a comprehensive plan can assist in:
* identifying areas appropriate for development and preservation;
* recommending types of land use for specific areas;
* identifying needed transportation and community facilities that will serve the community; and
* providing detailed objectives and actions to implement the overall plan goals.

This Comprehensive Plan has been prepared under the Wisconsin's Comprehensive Planning legislation contained in Wisconsin Statute 66.1001. The plan is organized into nine chapters( issues and opportunities; housing; transportation; utilities and community facilities; natural, agricultural, and cultural resources; economic development; intergovernmental cooperation; land use, and implementation) each addressing one element specified under the law.


Throughout the planning process, the public was afforded several opportunities to participate directly in the development of the comprehensive plan. Meetings of the planning commission were published and members of the public attending all planning related meetings were afforded an opportunity to speak and participate.

Upon voting to accept the final draft of the comprehensive plan, the plan was sent to a focus group for their comments. After the focus group comments and adjustment, if any, the Town of Frankfort Plan Commission will formally recommend the comprehensive plan to the Town Board of Supervisors. A public hearing will be set and copies made available and sent to those required to receive them. Based on the recommendations of the plan commission and the public, the Town of Frankfort will review and consider adopting the recommended plan.


Wisconsin's Comprehensive Planning law requires public participation throughout the comprehensive planning process. Specifically, Wisconsin Statutes 66.1001(4)(a) states:

The governing body of a local government unit shall adopt written procedures that are designed to foster public participation, including open discussion, communication programs, information services, and public meetings for which advance notice has been provide, in every stage of the preparation of a comprehensive plan. The written plan shall provide for a wide distribution of proposed, alternative or amended elements of a comprehensive plan and shall provide an opportunity for written comments on the plan to be submitted by members of the public to the governing body to respond to such comments.

The Town of Frankfort Plan Commission will utilize a variety of methods to involve citizens at differing levels, from passive to active.

* Public awareness of the comprehensive Plan Commission and the planning process and opportunities to participate in the process will be generated through the use of notices in the local newspaper, notices in the local shopper and use of mass mailings and selected mailings.

* Public education will be conducted to improve the public understanding of an issue, inform them of technical information necessary to understand the issue or to improve communications. At least one community gathering will be planned, inviting all residents and landowners and information will be posted on the Town website.

* Public input will be obtained in several ways. The first way will be to send out a community survey to each resident and landowner in the Town. Other methods to be used are visioning projects, focus groups and citizen input during the monthly meetings and all hearings.

* Public interaction will be an ongoing process. Members of the Plan Commission will be available for comments and questions at all times.

State Stautes Governing Towns. See 66.1001, page 102 for Comprehensive Plan Statute

Town of Frankfort Comprehensive Plan, revised 2013

Please visit the Town's new website for current information.

Town of Frankfort