The Town polling place is in the Town of Frankfort Town Hall.
If you are not registered please bring a Wisconsin Drivers License or ID and proof of residency if the address on your drivers
license is not current. Proof of residency includes a utility bill or bank statement that has your name and address on it.
Voter registration can be done at anytime before voting by contacting a Town official or stopping by to see the County Clerk
or by mail. You can also register to vote at the polls.
TYPE A Notice of Spring Election - 2021
April 6, 2021 Results:
TOWN BOARD CHAIR: Bryce Black - 37
........................................Brad Anderson - 55
TOWN BOARD 1st SUPERVISOR: Richard McDermott - 76
TOWN BOARD 2nd SUPERVISOR: Curt Stine - 77
TOWN TREASURER: Michael Albert - 78
TOWN CLERK: Maureen Manore - 84
Residency requirements have recently changed in Wisconsin. It is now a requirement that you have resided in the Town of Frankfort
for 28 days to vote here.
Photo ID is required to cast a vote. This includes absentee ballots. If voting absentee
in-person please bring a photo ID along. If voting Absentee by mail please send a copy of your photo ID with the application.
The link below "Bring It Wisconsin" will explain more about the types of allowable photo IDs.
The first day to vote absentee in person is two weeks before the election date. The last day for voting absentee in person
is the Sunday before the election, please contact the Clerk to set up a day and time. The Thursday before the election
is the deadline to request an absentee by mail.
Ballots can no longer be emailed or faxed for regular absentee voters.
Voter Registration Form
Absentee Ballot Reuest Form
My Vote - See the ballot, register to vote, request an absentee Ballot
Photo ID Information Link - "Bring It Wisconsin"
Wisconsin Election Commission (State Election Information)